Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Any Decision That Can Alter the Road You’re On

Every Decision Alter's The Path You're On

      We ask ourselves sometimes if I didn’t make this choice, where would I be right now acting as though each decision we make doesn’t alter our life path.

      Personally, I am a firm believer that where you bought your coffee, what time you did it at, and which way you walked afterward alters your life path. I don’t feel as though I can answer this question because I think the fact that I am here is a sign that each decision you make will impact you down the road. The life altering decision I am referring to is deciding to play basketball one day in the summer before my senior year of high school.
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Don’t laugh or scoff, instead keep reading and you’ll understand, don’t worry I’ll get to the point, eventually.
       In the summer of my senior year playing basketball was something I did frequently in town at Jefferson Elementary School, no I didn’t play with toddlers and I didn’t break in, all the juveniles of town and some people 18 and 19 played on the courts they had outside. It’s known as the basketball hot spot. One day my friend texted me asking to play but I told him no because I wasn’t feeling too great. Sitting on the couch after sending that text I decided I should tough it out and go play.
     When I arrived at the school one of my friends, Glen Cook, was there because he was going to play with us. I hadn’t seen him in forever and we started talking and catching up. While doing so he informed me how he was working for New Jersey City University and how that’s also where he attends classes.
Image result for New Jersey City University

      Appalled by this I began asking questions and he began telling me all that New Jersey City University has to offer students. Intrigued I continued the conversation as I had many questions. This alone kept New Jersey City University in the back of my mind and gave me a different perspective of the university. When I received the offer of acceptance to New Jersey City University I viewed it differently than most of my colleagues did because I viewed the college differently as well because of Glen Cook. When I received my honors college acceptance I was intrigued and thrilled to have received that offer and one of the factors in me pursuing that scholarship was the way Glen Cook had talked about New Jersey City University. Had I stayed home that day,  he not spoken I would’ve still signed up for that on-site decision but I wouldn’t have really looked much further at New Jersey City University.
     Isn’t it a bit insane how something like playing basketball could’ve altered where I attended college for the next four years, that’s the reality of our decisions each and every single one.
     Every step we take, every move we make will alter our lives so greatly so next time thinks twice about whether you should get a coffee or not that day, or play basketball at the JMAC. Who knows what could be waiting for you inside that Dunkin Donuts, or inside of the JMAC. Laugh or scoff all you want but by you reading this blog who knows what impact it will have on the road you’re on.

This has been Will's Wisdoms and I am signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I coudlnt agree more that everything we do has an impact on our lives. A split second decison can change the course of our lives entirely. Congrats on your acceptance to NJCU. I find it facinating that, that is the reason your attneding NJCU.

    -The Other Will's Wisdoms
